5 Reasons to get a Dog

Amy Green
3 min readJul 15, 2020

There are so many reasons to get a dog! Being a dog owner changes your life in so many rewarding ways including keeping you fit and giving you companionship. Of course there are downside. Yes, it can be expensive and can be more difficult to travel (though not impossible!) I’m on my 4th dog now — one for every decade of my life — and in my opinion, the reasons to get a dog outweigh the reasons not to. Here are 5 reasons to get a dog

5 Reasons to get a Dog

#1 Health — A dog will keep you Physically Fit

Health was one of my top reasons to get a dog. There’s no excuse for not going out when those cute furry brown eyes are looking up at you. All dogs need to be exercised daily and if you get a very active breed such as a Patterdale terrier, you will need to walk twice daily and include some extended hikes in there too! It will keep you physically fit if you have a dog to walk. The steps on my Fitbit went from an average of about 3000 a day to around 8–10,000 a day when I got Blake!

#2 Companionship

There are times when you are stuck in the house on your own and need a friend — a furry friend can be the best type of companion! When you develop a bond with your dog, he (or she) will rarely want to leave your side. It’s unlimited and unconditional love…



Amy Green

Hi I’m Amy — travel blogger, dog lover, digital marketer. I write mainly about Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Getting into drones!