DIY Hamster Bedding

Amy Green
4 min readApr 14, 2021
DIY Hamster Bedding

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Today’s blog tells you how to make your hamster a cosy bedding that helps your wallet and the planet. Yes, we’re talking about DIY Hamster bedding!

In today’s society it seems we are always being told to buy something for those we love to prove that this love is real. This is no less true for pets, with an endless stream of new ways for us to spend money to make them happy. Whether it is through new luxurious living quarters or unseen before toys, there is always something.

A lot of times these are great additions to your pets’ lives (we cover a lot of them on this site!), but not always. Sometimes you can take the cheap option without feeling guilty you are making your pets suffer, and even gain some added benefits. Making your own hamster bedding is definitely one of these times.

DIY hamster bedding can be just as comfy for your little friends, while saving you money, if you use recycled materials helping out the planet, and even in some cases providing them with a fun toy as well. You need to make sure you do it right however as there are lots of pitfalls to avoid, so we have put together a quick run through of the two main…



Amy Green

Hi I’m Amy — travel blogger, dog lover, digital marketer. I write mainly about Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Getting into drones!