How often to clean Hamster Cage?

Amy Green
4 min readMar 28, 2021
How often to clean Hamster Cage?

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People always want to know — ‘how often to clean hamster cage out?’ I get asked this all the time. The simple answer is clean it out every week. 2 weeks is the absolute longest that the cage should go without being cleaned out.

Clean out your Hamster Cage every week if Possible

If you have just one or two pet hamsters and a relatively small to medium sized cage then you should clean your hamster out weekly. If you leave it longer you will find that the hamsters cage starts to smell. Another question that I always get asked is ‘do hamsters smell?’ Hamsters themselves do not smell. They are actually very clean animals. In actual fact it’s hamster cages that can smell if they are not cleaned out frequently enough.

In addition to that you will probably want to empty your hamsters toilet or littler tray 2–3 times a week and check his food and water supply daily. Your hammie should always have fresh food and water.



Amy Green

Hi I’m Amy — travel blogger, dog lover, digital marketer. I write mainly about Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Getting into drones!