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Siberian Hamsters get their names from their origins of Siberia, a part of Northeast Asia in the grand country of Russia. They come from the cold winters and the harsh environment and often breed to multiply and augment the power and might of their kin. Siberian Hamsters are pure breeds. This means, you cannot find them easily in pet stores, as there are other variations of Dwarf Hamsters that closely resemble Siberian Hamsters but are not pure in breed. These little creatures are mysterious, pure and unique.
Characteristics & Traits
Siberian Hamsters are on the smaller side of the fluff world. A fully mature Siberian Hamster is about half the size of a regular common hamster, but they have the same amount of strength and energy. These hamsters are nocturnal, which means that they sleep during the day and stay active during the night. And by active, we mean very active. Siberian’s really enjoy playing and running around in a world that is constantly changing and constantly expanding. Siberian Hamsters are furry, hyperactive and extremely adorable.