The Naughtiest things my Patterdale terrier has ever done!

Amy Green
3 min readSep 18, 2020
The Naughtiest things my Patterdale terrier has ever done!

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When I decided to write this blog, I thought — this is going to be a really easy one! You see our Blake is a rescue Patterdale and coming from a bad start in life via the RSPCA we knew he was going to be a handful. We are experienced dog owners and could commit the time and money to a good training routine. But still, you will never believe these 5 naughtiest things my Patterdale has ever done….

#1 Ate my Husbands Glasses

One day while we were out he needed to find something to chew on other than his ‘hoof’ provided. This ended up being his Daddy’s glasses. And not even a cheap pair. That night out just added an extra £190 to the bill!!!!

#2 Pinned a Frenchie by the ear!

Blake was going to visit a Frenchie to play in the park. Now Yoda had been a friend of Blakes at doggy daycare and we thought that they were going to be fine together. But he barked in her face and she was Antsy due to being on heat. She went for him, and he retaliated holding her down by the ear! Very strange — he did not tear her…



Amy Green

Hi I’m Amy — travel blogger, dog lover, digital marketer. I write mainly about Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Getting into drones!